Monday, September 15, 2014

ISIS Beheads Another Hostage

Ok, so ISIS has beheaded another hostage ... I have a lot of questions about these videos.

1.)  Is it just me, or do these victims not seem to be seated in the same exact position with the same exact expression their faces.  The videos are taken at a distance.  The only time you seem to get a close up is when the Grim Reaper is talking.  If this was me, I know I am going to die anyways, I would not just be sitting there and letting him get what he wants to say out.  I would be screaming, jumping up and down, or something ... but you can bet he would have a hard time doing the video with my shenanigans.

2.)  Just who are these hostages?  It seems like the only time you hear that there are even people that are missing or that are possible hostages is when another video has been posted.  Exactly how many hostages do they have or do we even know?

Honestly, I have a ton more, but these are enough to chew on for a moment.  The more I hear about ISIS, the more worried I get.  I agree that we need to go in and dismantle and destroy them, but are we even sure we know where all they are?  I would hate for us to rise up against them because we think they are in this particular place and only after attacking them in that place do we realize just how many countries they are actually in and they retaliate on those countries that went in to get them.  If they have a hostage for every country that has spoke out against them, are we really stupid enough to think they are not already in those countries?  Really?  I sure hope we think twice about this.

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